What is the problem?
Most of us would like to be able to say how we would like our care to be managed and hope that all involved in our care will try to follow our wishes.
Sadly, during a crisis moment there are often not enough community resources to support someone safely at home, the ambulance is called and hospital admission follows.
For the frail and elderly an admission brings many problems. Mobility reduces quickly and the possibility of returning home diminishes.
Many people do not die in their preferred place.
Can we change things?
The most important consultation for people in this stage of their life is to sit with a professional who is expert in these situations and will do their best to arrange a package of care that best suits the patient. Best of all is when that professional sits with you in your own home to chat. This is the sort of help we want to provide more of.
Many crises and hospital admissions can be avoided if there is a good line of communication between patient and carers and more support added before things worsen too much.